
Advertisement Test Comparison Layout: Slant Vs. Head-on

1 comment:

stan anderson said...

Holy cow you've been working up a storm Andrew! great job and I feel you are getting some very creative ideas onto the paper and then developing those into some very unique ADs for your client.
I like the profile chair leg myself.
I like the color of the straight leg, but it doesn't read a quickly as the
In the narrow Ad, I would probably make the image of the full chair photo a little smaller so it doesn't compete with the larger leg or surrounding text. Also,Make sure the first line of copy (We're known for our) is nice and cozy with the larger Headline Text(Nice Legs)...watch the linespacing and also watch that the first line of text doesn't start competing for the Headline TEXT (Nice Legs). Maybe you even pull back on the opacity of the first line of text, so the larger headline text can really sing out loud.

watching you design is great fun.