

I picked up this book to take on my NY trip and enjoyed it greatly. Some really great inspiration for identity design. I'll bring it to class Tuesday if anyone would like to check it out. It's called Colossal Design and it is by Clare Warmke.

This is the description from Amazon:

To identify trends, see innovative work, and fuel their own inspiration, graphic artists look to collections of great design work. Colossal Design blows away the competition by providing designers with inspiration, know-how and three times the design examples of most other books. In 384 pages, it offers more than 400 pieces of imaginative page design, all with captions that explain the thinking behind the concepts, including: Brochures and posters CD and music graphics Book Covers and editorial designs Business collateral, such as annual reports, identity systems and self-promotional pieces

As an added bonus, Colossal Design contains more than 100 quick tips from top designers on how to create marketable page design. These tips are presented as short, compelling quotes directly from designers, insider secrets readers can't get anywhere else.

Clare Warmke is the Acquisitions Editor for HOW Design Books and the author of Idea Revolution. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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