
My Clients: Current subjects I'm working with to improve their graphic identity

The images seen below are existing company logos/signage/etc. I will post a separate category to show my own work towards the objectives.
*Note: Having trouble uploading the images for Paul's & Fantasyland for some reason. Will post as soon as it allows.

Real People models & talent. Kiddin' Around models & talent

Objective: Logo/Personal Documentation (Nomen: Eva Stancil Murray) re-design.

Andres Weaver: Acadia Real Estate & Development

Company Info: Property Investment. Land development-communities/high-rise dev. 300-300,000+ acre development projects
Associates: Vision Investment (resort/highrise development)
Consolidated Land Development
Knobbscot Transportation

Objective: Pretty much, this guy's company is thriving to the max & doesn't seek to make any changes in their logo. However, Andres' business card is clearly in need of refinement. So my job is to clean it up a bit & apply physical embossing.

Paul's Restaurant. Bar. Sushi.

Objective: Logo/Business card Redesign; Business title refinement; Signage

Fantasyland Records

Objective: Logo/Signage re-design

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